Tomorrow morning in the LOFT, we are launching a new study through the book of Romans. It has been called the most important letter ever written.
[Romans is] the book that is the explanatory book of the most important book ever written; the Bible.It can’t be studied without a revival in a body, and a society. — Tom Nelson
Romans sets forth, probably most clearly, the essence of the Biblical message of how a Holy God gets sinful humanity into heaven without compromising Himself. It’s been said this book cannot be studied without a revival in a body and society.
I’m looking forward to this study in the young adult ministries at FBCA and I’m thankful to co-teach with Doug and Josh this summer! Join us at 11:00 AM at FBC Alexandria in the LOFT.
Outline of Romans
(T. Nelson, 2009)
Doctrinal (Chapters 1-8)
Condemnation (Ch. 1-3a)
Justification (Ch. 3b-7)
Sanctification (Ch. 8)
National (Chapters 9-11)
Israel’s Past (Ch. 9)
Israel’s Present (Ch. 10)
Israel’s Future (Ch. 11)
Practical (Chapters 12-16)